We are a not-for-profit development arm of the United Methodist Church, Liberia Annual Conference. The Department manages four separate programs including Community Development Program (CODEVPRO), Community Integrated Development and Need-Based Education Program (CIDNEP), Giving Hope to A Child (GTHAC), and the Child Representative Program (CRP). Together, through these programs and other activities, donors from Norway have financed a portfolio of almost Six Million United States Dollars in interventions in Liberia with a high record of accountable management by the Department of Community Services. We cater to the needs of all people without any precondition on religious, tribal, or ethnic lines.

Our Mission

The Department of Community Services sets out to make practical the Missions of the Church to provide concrete holistic, sustained and comprehensive development for God's people irrespective of religiion, nationality, sex, color or creed all across the lenght and breadth Liberia in all basic areas of human development

Our Objectives

To construct water and sanitation facilities in needed communities across Liberia To develop and promote food security and income generation through agricultural projects To develop human capacities for self awareness and abilities to lead fulfilling lives as individuals and as a community To construct clinics, health centers and hospitals and provide health awareness and solutions(HIV/AIDS, etc)

Our Goals / Core Values

The goal of the Department is to provide comprehensive and sustainable social services to Liberians.

  • Integrity
  • Compassion
  • Results
  • Bravery

About Us

Board Of Directors & Core Staff

Madam Ruth Jappah Samukai
Madam Ruth Jappah SamukaiBoard Chair
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Lawyer Responsibility :Manage Board Operations Gender Human Rights Advocate for 20+ years
Madam Gloria Menjor
Madam Gloria MenjorCo-Chair
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Banker: Compliance on Finance, Finance and Banking Expert with 40+ years experience
Madam Okai-Wleh
Madam Okai-WlehSecretary
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Administrator:Provides support for administrative matters. Development and financial practitioner with 20+ experience
Mr P EmMersyn Harris
Mr P EmMersyn HarrisMember
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Administrator:Provides administrative support on Projects compliance, with over 30+ years as expert in project / Program development
Madam Theresa Dogba
Madam Theresa DogbaMember
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Shipping Management: Board Management, Business / shipping management with 25+ years experience
Rev. P. Karyeidia Gartor
Rev. P. Karyeidia GartorChaplain
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Clergy, Spiritual formation, Administrator / Clergy for 20+ years
Rev. Joseph  Theoway
Rev. Joseph TheowayMember
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Agriculturist/Clergy, Co-Project Compliance, Agricultural Development and management for 40+ years
Emma Okai-Wleh (Med BBA)
Emma Okai-Wleh (Med BBA)Executive Director
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Responsibility: Overall management of projects, ensure quality control and compliance with all policies and standard of donors and national government as well as organizational stability. Over 15 years in top administrative positions playing various managerial roles. Extensive experience in managing donor relationship, etc. Supervised and managed PID DIGNI supported projects for the last 16 years.
Adolphus W. Dupley (MA, BSc)
Adolphus W. Dupley (MA, BSc)Director For Projects
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Assist the executive Director in overseeing the projects and give technical support on community project, liaise with donors, NGOs, and government agencies and in writing project proposals and reports. More than 10 years in administrative position Managing planning, strategy, resource management, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation, and stakeholder engagement. Lead the development and support the management of projects
Paul S. Badio (BBA, MBA)
Paul S. Badio (BBA, MBA)Finance Manager
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Responsible for day to day financial activities as well as overseeing of projects, budgets, banking and cash flow, funds statement, financial reporting and payroll. Have more than six years of experience with financial management, reporting, and analysis
Paul S. Badio (BBA, MBA)
Paul S. Badio (BBA, MBA)Finance Manager
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Responsible for day to day financial activities as well as overseeing of projects, budgets, banking and cash flow, funds statement, financial reporting and payroll. Have more than six years of experience with financial management, reporting, and analysis
Magdalene S. R. Sumo
Magdalene S. R. SumoHR Manager
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Provides Human Resource Services for LUMDS. Managed the HR services for LUMDS
Verlyn N. Gono
Verlyn N. GonoProcurement & Logistics Manager
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Manage Procurement and Logistics for project implementation. Verlyn has four years of experience as a Procurement and Logistics Tactician. She has worked with LUMDS in this area effectively over the years.
Rev. Obadiah T. Momo Sr
Rev. Obadiah T. Momo SrM&E Officer
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Monitor project implementation, collect accurate data, prepare reports. Rev. Momo has worked with LUMDS for the last six years in several Administrative Positions and over the last three years have served effectively as LUMDS M and E Officer.
Dementia Elementary Public School
Margibi County, Liberia
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Gbecohn Multipurpose Guest House
Kokoyah District, Bong County
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J S Pratt School
Monrovia, Liberia
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Weala UMC Clinic
Margibi County
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Wee River 120ft Bridge
This bridge connects three counties of Bong, Bassa and Nimba
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Projects Completed
Globee Health Center

Gorblee is the administrative seat of the Wee Statutory District also known as Compound # 3. The Wee Statutory District or Compound # 3 is the largest political sub-division in Grand Bassa County with a population of 50,791 (LISGIS) with 2.6% growth rate. Gorblee, the administrative seat of the district is also a commercial city. Due to business activities, Gorblee is densely populated. There are two health clinics in Gorblee which is currently serving a catchment population of (11,793); compound three clinic, (3492) Boeglay clinic but cannot cater to the growing population. Currently there is no health center in the entire district. About 57% of the population lives within 5km (one hour walk) of a health facility, leaving 43% without easy access to health care, only 16% of deliveries are facility based with skilled assistance. 84% of deliveries are done at home attended by unskilled personnel which has greatly increased maternal mortality in the district. The top ten leading causes of morbidity (disease) in the district are: malaria, Lassa fever, Measles, Respiratory Tract Infections, Diarrhea, skin Infection, Sexually Transmitted Infection, injuries, typhoid fever, road traffic accident and conjunctivitis (eye infection). The Compound Three Primary Health Center is a major breakthrough in the health situation for the people of District Three, Grand Bassa County and by extension, the entire County. The project was kicked off based on partnership agreement between the church, community, county leadership, and the Government of Liberia for the construction of the first ever modern health center in the entire county in Gorblee, Compound #3, Grand Bassa County. The Compound Three Primary Health Center is a forty (52) bed rooms hospital. The total cost of the health center is US$365,000.00 excluding furniture. In this partnership, the United Methodist Church Department of Community Services (DCS) is to provide 60% while the Government of the Republic of Liberia provide 40%. The hospital is currently serving as a referrer hospital to Bong, Nimba, Rivercess and Grand Bassa Counties.

Boyee Community Clinic

The Boyee is a Community located in Blinlon Clan, Yarrwin Mehsonoh District, Nimba County, Liberia, with 10hrs drive from Monrovia and 4hrs driver from provision city of Tippita. Prior to the Community Development Program (CODEVPRO) Intervention, The people of Boyee and its surrounding towns walked hours to access health delivery services to the Tippita Jackson F. Doe Health Center because there was no clinic in that of Nimba with a population of over 3000 inhabitants. Pregnant women, children and elderly people were seeing carried on hammer to access hospital, and the death rate became so high in the community and surroundings. During these challenging times in the community, CODEVPRO also received a request from the county health officer of Nimba County and the Methodist Church District Superintendent for intervention. After CODEVPRO’s intervention, the community was blessed with a modern health center with fifteen 15 rooms including other facilities and a four unit nurses quarters the first of its kind since 1950 the formation of the town. The community dwellers provide all the local materials and the County Health Team of Nimba provided the staff and medication for the upkeep of the clinic.

Weala Community Clinic

Weala Benga Community is located in Montserrado County, Liberia, about 1hr thirty minutes driver from Monrovia with a population of 7000 people who were desperately in need of a health facility. The nearest clinic to this community was 1hr forty five minutes’ walk and with vehicle, it was $1000 Liberian Dollars or USD6.67 but even at that most of the people were farmers, and could not afford to transport themself to and fro to the clinic. LUMDS worked with the community stakeholders, Ministry of Heath, Margibi Branch, and constructed these two facilities that cater to more than the targeted community. LUMDS, through her codevpro program provided in-service training for sons and daughters of the community some of whom are running the clinic today. The East Ohio conference of the UMC, USA, has extended the facility to a health center. They visit the facility once every year and conduct general health care delivery services at the hospital. CODEVPRO UMC Norway partner also provided drugs and hospital equipment to this clinic/hospital.

Community Development Program (CODEVPRO)
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Community Integrated Development & Need Based Education Program(CIDNEP)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
Giving Hope to A Child (GHTAC)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.
Child Representative Program (CRP)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Optio, neque qui velit. Magni dolorum quidem ipsam eligendi, totam, facilis laudantium cum accusamus ullam voluptatibus commodi numquam, error, est. Ea, consequatur.

Our Partners

LUMDS was established in 2008 as Department of Community Services under the United Methodist Church. In 2019, LUMDS became a full Non-Governmental Organization with a mandate to operate as an autonomous entity with an over all goal of serving the needs of Liberians. We are a non-for-profit development arm of the United Methodist Church, registered under the laws of Liberia to function as a legal Non-Government Organization of the Liberia Annual Conference, The United Methodist Church. The (organization or Department) manages four separate programs to include Community Development Program (CODEVPRO), Community Integrated Development and Need-Based Education Program (CIDNEP), Giving Hope to A Child (GTHAC) and the Child Representative Program (CRP). Together, through these programs and other activities, donors from Norway have financed a portfolio of almost Twelve Million United States Dollars interventions in Liberia with a high record of accountable management by LUMDS. We cater to the needs of all people without any precondition on religious, tribal, or ethnic lines.